Software update

Cppcheck Premium 23.9.0 released

Cppcheck Premium 23.9.0 released with new compliance checking option, error reporting for invalid licenses, bug fixes, and Autosar rule implementation. Based on Cppcheck 2.12.1.

We are happy to announce the release of Cppcheck Premium 23.9.0!

The update introduces a `--premium=misra-c-2023` option for enhanced compliance checking, ensures `invalidLicense` issues are reported as errors, fixes various crashes and false positives, implements Autosar rule A4-7-1, and is based on Cppcheck version 2.12.1.

Release notes:

  • New option: --premium=misra-c-2023
  • Report invalidLicense with severity error to ensure it is shown
  • Fix several crashes
  • Fix several false positives
  • Autosar: implement a4-7-1
  • Based on Cppcheck-2.12.1

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