Software update

Cppcheck Premium 24.2.0 released

Cppcheck Premium 24.2.0 release addresses false positives, improves compliance reports, enhances MISRA checking, and speeds up performance. Read about the latest updates!

We are happy to announce the release of Cppcheck Premium 24.2.0!

This update addresses numerous false positives and a crash related to non-existent source files in project files. It fixes issues with running the premium addon in the GUI and ensures all relevant style checkers are run for MISRA/CERT/AUTOSAR compliance. The GUI now supports generating compliance reports for CERT C, CERT C++, and MISRA C++, including "unmapped" warnings/errors. There's improved validation of command-line arguments and handling of the `--premium=safety` option. MISRA C checking has been enhanced for multiple rules, and two missing checkers for MISRA C++ 2008 have been implemented. The update, based on Cppcheck 2.13.3, also significantly speeds up MISRA C checking.

Release notes:

  • Fix several false positives
  • Fix crash when source files listed in a project file do not exist
  • Fix problem running premiumaddon in GUI
  • Run all related style checkers in cppcheck when misra/cert/autosar is enabled.
  • GUI: make it possible to generate Cert C, Cert C++ and Misra C++ compliance reports
  • Compliance reports: show "unmapped" warnings/errors.
  • Better validation of command line arguments
  • Better handling of "--premium=safety" option.
  • Misra C: improved checking of 8.3, 10.8, 13.2, 13.4, 13.5, 15.5, 16.3, 17.3, 17.9, 17.13, 18.5, 18.8, 18.9, 21.1, 21.16
  • Misra C++ 2008: it was discovered 2 checkers was missing; 0-3-2, 10-3-2. Implemented checkers for these.
  • Significant speedup in Misra C checking
  • Based on Cppcheck-2.13.3

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